My team and I designed and built a manual kick scooter to fit inside a Stemme S6-T Motorglider for our senior design project.
Here you can find a selection of my academic, personal, and professional projects. *Please note this page is a work in progress and as of now each project only has tags for the skills I used.*
My team and I designed and built a manual kick scooter to fit inside a Stemme S6-T Motorglider for our senior design project.
As part of a team of 4, I helped build a PID controlled inverted pendulum for ME 360 at BU.
As part of a team of 4, I helped create a 2.5 degree of freedom cartesian coordinate system pick and place puzzle for ME 360 at BU.
As part of a 5 person team, I helped develop a haptic feedback glove, meant to be used in a medical device setting, using pneumatics and force sensitive resistors in ME 571 at BU.
As part of a 5 person team, I helped develop a hand rehabilitation glove using cable driven fingers and push buttons in ME 571 at BU.
As part of a 5 person team, I helped design, build, control, and test a robotic hand meant to serve as a prototype surgical tool for a final project in ME571 at BU.
As part of a 5 person team, I helped design, build, and control a locomoting soft robot to compete in an intercollegiate competition as a final project for ME568 at BU.
In 7th grade, as part of a team of 4, I was a national finalist in a science competition called eCybermission, for which we built an insulated turtle stretcher to help save beached sea turtles in Cape Cod.
For my high school senior capstone project I completed a research project on disaster robotics including building a robotic hand.
My high school FIRST Tech Challenge team and I built, programmed, and competed with a robot during the 2019-2020 Skystone Season.
As an ongoing personal project, I am building a custom lightsaber for myself.
Here you can find a collection of my quality of life and artistic 3D designs
In the Material Robotics Lab at Boston University, I assisted with fabrication and controlling a soft robotic bronchoscope.
In the Robotics Lab at Boston University, I worked on developing a software framework to simulate drone to base wireless communication.